Monday, May 18, 2009

A Day with The Midgett's

Ok for some of you out there, when you call my cell phone or our home phone you do not get a answer. Well this is the reason why. With 4 kids we always have something going on. So I decided to let you see what one day looks like in our life!!! So here we go.


We start off with church, Travis and I go to our worship and then we volunteer in the middle tree house at the 11am service. That day we had 140 children attend. This is one of 3 services that our church does. We have 3 different children worship areas, that is not including the pre-k worship area. I love that our children get their own service on their level.
After church we head to ball park.

1St stop is pictures for Megan ball team. I forgot to take any pictures but we decided to do our own because the picture people were way to expensive. Then we head to the quad for a ball game at 1:30.

I did not get a good picture, I was to busy feeding Addie to make her happy. Megan did great, she bunted a ball against the fastest girl pitcher.. Way to go Meg for not backing down from Anna!

Next it was Coleman's ball game

Here is Coleman going after a ball. I know I need one of those great cameras, maybe after Travis sees this post he will let me get one lol. I heard Cole had a great hit today but I missed it because I was taking Keyleigh to the other side of the park to get her pictures made. Her team did the same thing and we took our own pictures. I did remember to take some of those pictures.

This is Coach Jason showing one of the girls how to stand. I was to busy getting Keyleigh to stand right and forgot to get a picture of her. One of our moms did the pictures for us. So we should be getting pictures soon.
Next off to Keyleigh's ballgame.

This is how busy we were today. Look at Keyleigh's feet I forgot to put the right shoes on. She said she could not hit the ball if she did not have the right shoes.

If you can see once she got the right shoes on she did hit the ball. This is her running from second to third.

After church, pictures and 3 ball games we are pooped and that is the reason we do not call anyone back or answer the phone because by the time we get home we crash!!!!! I hope you enjoyed our day. Yes, Addie was with us but I forgot to take a picture of her.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I need a nap just reading that!