Tuesday, July 01, 2008

What you would do for a Hannah Montana Wig!?

Ok, we got back from Fl. going on two weeks ago. It has been so crazy around here that I have not had time to blog. Well, this past Saturday, Keyleigh & I were in Katie Scott's Wedding. She did a great job. Katie was beautiful and the wedding was so pretty. Let's rewind... The night before the wedding she was not having it. She was not going to walk down the aisle. So the wheeling & dealing was on. I told her that I would buy her anything she wanted if she would do what Katie wanted her to do. All she had to do was walk down the aisle and stay down there until the wedding was over and walk back up the aisle. So she said if I would buy her some donuts and a Hannah Montana wig (she got that from Megan) she would do it. She's a tough negotiator, so I caved and told her it's a deal. She held up to her end of the deal and so did I. Here are some pictures.

The little boy she is walking with is Carson and he is soooooo cute. He did not want to walk either but his daddy and mommy had candy for him at the end of the aisle.They both did such a good job. I was so proud of them. I will have more pictures later. When I order them from Jody.

She was so excited about her wig. Below she is singing one of Hannah Montana's Songs.

Addie got in on the new look too. I told Travis this is what she's going to look like with hair.


Maria said...

Ok, I have cracked up!!! Addie looks so funny!!

Anonymous said...

Addie looks like a blond Morticia Addams with all that hair! Don't feel bad about giving in to Keyleigh, we all do it in a pinch!