Friday, June 20, 2008

Camping and beach pictures

I think Addie is starting to be bum! Don't she look cute in these sun glasses. It was so bright that day that she could not open her eyes with out sun glasses on.
After the beach we promise the kids to go swimming at the pool. Here they are having some fun with Daddy in the water.

This would be our Fla. home. I will have to say it is alot better than our old one.

The kids are having some fun, riding their bikes around the camp site.

Our camp ground is right on the bay. At first I was not sure if I was going to like this place, but I will have to say I would come back, it has grown on me.

Below are some head shots. This is what happens when Cole does not have any products in his hair.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Addie.
And I love this picture of Keyleigh.
None of Megan because she would not let me brush her hair, maybe I can get some tomorrow of her.


Maria said...

Ahh.. the joys of 10-year-olds and their hair!! Looks like a TON of fun!!