Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mowing is not for ME!!!

On Sunday, I was in the mood to wash the SUV. I am really trying to keep this car in better shape than I did with the old one. After I washed the car I thought I would help Travis by mowing the yard for him. Well I set the fire alarm off. I guess I do not know how to start a lawn mower. (I think this was my sign to not mow the yard). He came out and helped me start the mower and I told him to do the trim work and we could get it done faster. I thought I was doing a good job, until I felt pain on my leg. I looked down and I was surrounded by Hornets/yellow jackets or bees I was not sure. I jumped off the mower and ran in side slapping my legs. By the time I got to the house Travis was there. We went inside and he counted 28 stings. I guess I ran over a nest or made them very mad. I never saw them until they were right on top of me. I do not think I will ever mow again. Travis had to finished the yard and he killed some of the them. The picture below shows some of my stings.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Goodness! Your poor ankle! I hope you are recovered and ready for a profitable yard sale!

wonderfuljourney said...

Ouch!! Hey Dee it was probably a yellow jacket nest. We had one they don't like vibration and will attack anything, thus your ankle. You need to get Travis to go out find the hole in the ground if he finds it, he needs to take about a cup of gas and pour down the hole it will kill them instantly. I hope your ankle feels lots better.

Kara Mann said...

OMG!!! That's terrible I'm going to show this to my husband, it proves my point that I am in better use INSIDE!!! LOL!!! I hate yard work! Unfortunately so does my husband! Take care of that girl!