Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Princess Adalynn!

Hey you like the back ground, I put it on here just for Addie!!!
What a day! It started off me heading to get Addie's cake and guess what they did not have it. I was starting to get upset when they told me that another customer took our cake but we could have their cake. Once they showed me the cake I was fine with it. The other customer got the smaller cake (that was mine $49) and I got their cake (that was a lot bigger $100)and yes I got it for my price yea!! But during all this I was running really late. So I was late to my own baby's party. Once I got to the house everyone was waiting on me. But I had enough cake to feed everyone and then some. Addie was so sleepy and not in a great mood. But I think she enjoyed herself. Here are some pictures.
She did not like that Birthday Hat. I did not fight with her. I will have to get some pictures when she is in a good mood.

She liked her cake and the little princess on it too.
She did not know what to think with everyone singing to her.

But once she got her hands on that cake, that was it. Man it was some good stuff.

She liked the birthday cards the best.
Ellie,Caleb and Addie playing with her new toys.

Aren't these 3 the custest babies in the world!!!!

Thank you everyone for coming.

I think Adalynn had a great Birthday!!!!


Maria said...

WHY did I think her name was Addison??? How have you let me get this wrong for so long -- it was even wrong on the card. OMG. Well, even though we didn't have a clue whose party we were at (ha!), we had a great time. The cake was awesome! I'm too tired to even be embarassed!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the cake! So fabulous for a 1 year old princess! Sorry I missed it! At least her boyfriend was there!