Monday, December 15, 2008

Addie's Sick

Well we went to the doctor today because Addie has not been feeling good. Last night she ran a fever of 103 I knew it was more than a little cold or teeth coming in. So off to the doctor. She had 2 double ear infections and was cruddy in the chest. Came home with Amoxicillin and breathing treatments. I will have to say she does good with the breathing treatments. I guess she is just happy to be able to breath once they are over. The doctor said she should be better in a couple of days. I can not wait until those teeth come in. Here are some pictures.

Also we went to see Santa last night!! Addie did not feel good so we decided to come back one day next week. But Keyleigh had to see Santa so we waited in line to let her see him. So here is the picture of the 3 of them with out Addie. I promise Addie we would go back.
Keyleigh was all about Santa this year she told him that she wanted a ds. And some other stuff I could not hear. They all had fun going to see Santa. Addie slept the whole time.


Jay Beerley said...

Hope Addie feels better soon.