Friday, November 07, 2008

How do I get enough time in the day?

My mom had hip replacement Tuesday. Well later this week my sister and I was faced with my mom not getting to go to rehab, and my mom coming home today. She was suppose to go to rehab for 2 weeks until she could get back on her feet, and guess what the insurance company did not think a 66 year old women living by herself did not need rehab. I am telling you the insurance companies are making to much money to not help older people out. Well I am sitting here trying to think how this is going to work. I already run my tail off taking the kids to and from preschool/school/ work, now I have to put my mom in the mix. Since I work nights my sister is taking night shift. And I will be taking the day shift. If you read this today please pray that I can talk my mom into coming home with me so Travis and I both and help take care of her until she gets back on her feet.