Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blood Pressure Spike!!!

If you know me, I am not the one that likes laying on the couch all the time. But now by doctor orders that is all I am suppose to do. Last week I got sick with the nasty virus and spent the day in Triage to get some fluids. One week later My Blood Pressure spiked to 159/105 so we went back to the Hospital for another day of test. Now it's me and the couch. I get to go to the doctor today and hope they will say " Let's go ahead and have this baby!" That would be my dream come true. So if you read this pray they will do this. What stinks about bed rest is when you do not feel sick you get bored real quick. I have done this before and I guess I can do it again. Here is one picture of Adalynn's heart rate. She is doing just fine. I think she is ready to come out also. I keep telling her to go to the light. Ha Ha !!! I will keep you updated..


Anonymous said...

Yea! Addie's coming soon!