Saturday, May 12, 2007

A night of fishing

Ok I know I have not blogged in a while. Summer is coming and I am running out of time for myself. But we did go outdoors fishing the other night to have a some family time.

Ok I did not say we went fishing. Travis tied a weight to the end of every one's pole. So they could learn the right way to throw it.Even Keyleigh got into it. She thought she was so big being like her brother and sister.

But she would get everything all messed up and Daddy had to get the knot out of the line.

Megan and Cole got a great idea. One of them would fish and the other would be the fish. Well look what they caught.

Megan caught a 37 lb Big mouth Coleman Fish. I think he is a keeper.

And Coleman caught a 62 lb big mouth Megan!!

Well you know Keyleigh she had to beat them all !!!!

It was a fight but she got him in. She won!!! She caught over 100 lb Red Head big mouth DADDY!

I know, we are crazy! But is was a lot of fun. It was a good family night! And we kept all the fish! They were good keepers!!!


Jay Beerley said...

How inventive!! Sounds like you guys had fun. Does Coleman only weigh 37 lbs.???? Andrew is weighing in at 41! Crazy! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Keyleigh! You caught a big mouth Daddy! How fun!