Sunday, January 27, 2008

3rd Trimester Blues

Ok my 3rd trimester is not going so good. I had surgery on my right hand about 3 weeks ago and now I am going back tomorrow for the other hand.

This is what my right hand looked like after surgery. There are more pictures of me but I am not going to show them off. I put it this way I was not feeling any pain.

On top of surgery I am so big and I have not been sleeping good. I can not wait until this baby gets here. I am so ready to have this baby girl. Yes we still do not have a name. Travis and I are working on it we do have a list and I will let you guys know soon. Anyways off for now. Pray that my surgery goes well.


Jay Beerley said...

Oh my goodness...what is the surgery for? Sorry to hear you're not sleeping well...hopefully you'll get some good rest soon. Praying for you girl!

Maria said...

I hope your surgery went well. I've checked your blog frequently for updates. I knew it was getting close to "D" day. If you need anything, just give me a call, ok!

OKeedokey said...

Poor momma. I hope you get some sleep. I'm sorry about your hands. I hope you have quick recovery.

Anonymous said...

Names!! We need to see a list so we can vote!